
Vårt arbeid

Colombia (ENG)

Less violence, more autonomy and more peace

In Colombia, FOKUS works to reduce violence against women and girls and to ensure that women and girls are able to make their own decisions if and when they want to marry and have children. FOKUS also works for increased participation and influence of women in peacebuilding and reconciliation.
Photo: Causa Justa/La Mesa. The women's movement won a major victory when abortion was decriminalised in Colombia in 2022.
In 2016 the government signed a peace agreement with the FARC-EP guerilla after more than 50 years of conflict. Women played a central role during the peace process, and the peace agreement has a historically strong women’s perspective. FOKUS’ partners in Colombia were active contributors in the process, and were instrumental in ensuring that the agreement does not provide amnesty for sexual violence. But implementation remains slow, and the situation for human rights activists and local leaders is deteriorating.
Official estimates show that more than 400 000 women were killed during the armed conflict, and that over 2,7 million women were forcibly displaced.

No peace without women

To achieve reconciliation, trust and lasting peace, it’s crucial that women’s proposals have an impact when the country is building peace.
FOKUS cooperates with nine local partners to strengthen women’s rights in peace and reconciliation. Together we work to ensure that conflict-affected women and girls receive assistance, violations of women’s rights are documented and compensation claimed, and that more women participate in ongoing peace and reconciliation processes.
The presidential election in 2022 reignited work on implementing the peace agreement, and negotiations were initiated with all armed actors in the country. The aim is ‘total peace’ - a comprehensive and sustainable peace in Colombia. It remains to be seen what can be achieved.

A war on women in Colombia

Between May 2023 and 2024, the public prosecutor registered 149 017 domestic violence cases reported to the police as well as 630 femicides with alarming impunity: only 23% of murders of women committed between 2020 and 2023 saw the perpetrator convicted.
Colombia has ratified all international agreements on women’s rights and have made considerable strides towards a legal framework that safeguards women’s rights. But to end the violence we must challenge and change the underlying power structures that discriminate against women and girls.
Together with four local partner organisations, FOKUS works to stop violence against women and girls in Colombia by contributing to prevention and protection from gender-based violence, providing and securing legal aid, health services and psychosocial support to victims and survivors of violence, conducting trainings on the consequences of violence to girls, women, men and boys and their communities, and supporting training of health and social services personnel, police and law officials so they provide better follow-up.

Good sexual and reprodocutive health is decisive for youth, particularly young women, to participate fully in society.

The right to make one’s own decisions

FOKUS supports services for women and girls that experience unwanted pregnancies or need contraception, and provides preventive sexual education to youth. FOKUS also supports organisations working to strengthen women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights in legislation and policies. Good SRHR is decisive for young women to be able to complete an education, get a job and economic safety, and decide for themselves what kind of family structure they want.
Together with three local partners we work to mobilise, raise awareness and provide training in communities, improve access to contraception, counselling and safe abortions, provide capacity building for health personnel, improve sexual education, conduct local and national advocacy efforts, and remove SRHR restrictions through strategic litigation.
Since 2015, FOKUS has supported the movement Causa Justa in their fight for abortion rights. Their struggle led to a historic victory in 2022, when the Constitutional Court decriminalised abortion until 24 weeks of gestation. Despite this, there are still barriers to accessing abortion in Colombia, which affect marginalised women and girls the most.

In Colombia, FOKUS works on:

Forum for Kvinner og Utviklingsspørsmål jobber 
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gjennom utviklingssamarbeid i åtte land i Afrika 
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Utviklet av: Drift reklame & design AS
FOKUS – Forum for Kvinner og Utviklingsspørsmål – jobber for å styrke kvinners rettigheter og muligheter gjennom arbeid i syv land i Afrika og Latin-Amerika. FOKUS er den eneste norske organisasjonen som utelukkende arbeider med kvinners rettigheter og likestilling internasjonalt.
Utviklet av: Drift reklame & design AS