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FNs kvinnekommisjon (ENG)

Gender equality is a global challenge

The need to strengthen women’s power, rights and access to resources doesn’t stop at the border - the challenges are global. CSW, the UN’s annual meeting on women and gender equality, is a crucial arena for FOKUS’ advocacy.
Photo: Joar Svanemyr

An arena for global women’s and gender equality issues

Every year in March, the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) holds a two week conference in New York. Here global gender equality issues are discussed and the state parties negotiate declarations with great significance for the international struggle for women’s rights. 
The conference, coordinated by UN Women, is the second largest UN meeting after the general assembly. All the world’s states send their own negotiating delegations, and civil society organisations and women’s organisations have a strong presence at the meeting, both in the official programme, as members of the national delegations, and with a separate parallel programme - the CSW NGO Forum.
Every year, the meeting focuses on a priority theme, such as technology, violence or poverty. The aim is to agree on a declaration that comprises an assessment of progress, gaps, challenges as well as concrete recommendations for action on the international, national, regional and local levels. Its implementation is then assessed as a review theme at a subsequent CSW meeting. This makes it possible to monitor progress on the implementation of previous declarations.

FOKUS’ role during CSW

As the CSW meeting is the only UN conference that addresses women’s rights and gender equality, this is the most important international conference for FOKUS. Every year, FOKUS heads its own delegation with partner organisations and member organisations, in addition to participating in the Norwegian delegation.
Prior to the meeting, FOKUS coordinates recommendations from Norwegian civil society organisations to the Norwegian negotiation team and cooperates closely with the Norwegian delegation to prepare for the meeting.
Every year, FOKUS provides travel grants to representatives of our partner organisations in the South. Through bringing perspectives from the South to New York, the grant scheme aims to ensure that not only voices from the North are heard on matters of women's rights and gender equality. Norwegian member organisations are also eligible for grants to participate at CSW.

CSW 69: Beijing 30+
The 69th CSW meeting will be held from 10 to 21 March, 2025. During CSW 69 the parties will assess the implementation of the groundbreaking Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action after 30 years.
FOKUS coordinates input from Norwegian civil society, heads a delegation with representatives of partner and member organisations, and arranges a side event at the CSW NGO Forum. 
Questions? Contact FOKUS@fokuskvinner.no 
Forum for Kvinner og Utviklingsspørsmål jobber 
for å styrke kvinners rettigheter og muligheter 
gjennom utviklingssamarbeid i åtte land i Afrika 
og Latin-Amerika. Som et medlemsbasert 
kompetanse- og ressurssenter skal FOKUS være 
en pådriver for internasjonal innsats for likestilling.
971 27 9389
Utviklet av: Drift reklame & design AS
FOKUS – Forum for Kvinner og Utviklingsspørsmål – jobber for å styrke kvinners rettigheter og muligheter gjennom arbeid i syv land i Afrika og Latin-Amerika. FOKUS er den eneste norske organisasjonen som utelukkende arbeider med kvinners rettigheter og likestilling internasjonalt.
Utviklet av: Drift reklame & design AS