
Vårt arbeid

Malawi (ENG)

Strengthening sexual and reproductive health and rights

FOKUS works to strengthen women’s, girls’ and LBT+ women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights in two districts in Malawi, in cooperation with our member organisation Norwegian Association for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and local partner Family Planning Association of Malawi. 
Foto: Flickr/Binyam Teshome/World Bank

Mobile clinics in areas with limited services

The aim is to give marginalised women, girls and LBT+ women increased access to health services and information in the districts Mzimba North and Dowa, where public health services are highly limited. FPAM has mobile clinics that can travel around and provide information and health services, such as free contraception and testing for sexually transmitted diseases. The mobile clinics can also refer patients to other services if needed, and return to the villages once every month.

Strict laws a threat

In Malawi, abortion is only allowed when the woman’s life is at risk. An important part of the programme is to improve women’s and girls’ access to safe abortion within the restrictive framework the law permits, while working to prevent unwanted pregnancies through providing access to contraception. In addition, FOKUS and our partners, together with other organisations in Malawi, advocate changes to abortion legislation. Same-sex conduct is also criminalised in Malawi. Even though few are prosecuted, the laws put LGBT+ people at risk of legal sanctions, violence, and ostracisation. 

Training and mobilising

Training health personnel is central to the programme, the aim being that all patients are met without discrimination and with a patient-centred dialogue. This is done in collaboration with LGBT+ organisations in Malawi. Community mobilisation to increase knowledge about sexual and reproductive health and rights is another important part of the programme.

In Malawi, FOKUS works on: 

Forum for Kvinner og Utviklingsspørsmål jobber 
for å styrke kvinners rettigheter og muligheter 
gjennom utviklingssamarbeid i åtte land i Afrika 
og Latin-Amerika. Som et medlemsbasert 
kompetanse- og ressurssenter skal FOKUS være 
en pådriver for internasjonal innsats for likestilling.
971 27 9389
Utviklet av: Drift reklame & design AS
FOKUS – Forum for Kvinner og Utviklingsspørsmål – jobber for å styrke kvinners rettigheter og muligheter gjennom arbeid i syv land i Afrika og Latin-Amerika. FOKUS er den eneste norske organisasjonen som utelukkende arbeider med kvinners rettigheter og likestilling internasjonalt.
Utviklet av: Drift reklame & design AS