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Vold mot kvinner og jenter (ENG)

Vold mot kvinner og jenter

Kjønnsbasert vold mot jenter og kvinner og skadelige tradisjonelle skikker er meget omfattende samfunnsproblemer i FOKUS sine programland. For å få slutt på volden og skikkene må vi utfordre og endre maktstrukturene og normene som diskriminerer kvinner og jenter.
Gender-based violence against women and girls and harmful traditional practices are widespread problems in FOKUS’ programme countries. To end violence and harmful practices we have to challenge and change the power structures and norms that discriminate against women and girls.

What we do

Together with local organisations and networks in Colombia, Guatemala, Kenya, Somaliland and Tanzania, FOKUS works to end violence against women and girls (VAWG) and harmful practices.
This is done both by preventing violence from occurring, and by improving health and support services for women and girls subjected to violence. Additionally, we work to strengthen legislation and policies.
In Tanzania, FOKUS supports work combating intimate partner violence and child marriage while promoting gender equality. The approach, SASA!, focuses on changing underlying attitudes and has led to a significant reduction of domestic violence and abuse in many villages.
In Guatemala, FOKUS has contributed to sexual abuse being recognised as a war crime by the judiciary. Our partner organisations assist victims and survivors of violence, influence decision-making processes and work with indigenous groups to change norms on gender and violence.
Since 2015, FOKUS and partners have reached many thousand people in Kenya and Tanzania with training on female genital mutilation. The work involves health care professionals, parents, local leaders and other community members.
FOKUS conducts advocacy both nationally and internationally to promote international agreements to end violence and harmful practices against women and girls. We also coordinate the annual campaign, 16 days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence, in Norway.

Consequences of violence against women and girls

Violence against women and girls is a grave violation of human rights and an obstacle to development. Violence against women and girls is so widespread that WHO has designated the problem an epidemic.
Violence can lead to serious physical, psychological and social problems for those afflicted, but the consequences are also enormous for families, communities and entire countries.
Beyond the damage inflicted on victims and survivors, violence against women and girls comes with enormous costs. Expenses for health care, social and legal services and loss of productivity affects national budgets and societal development in general.
We both wanted change but lacked the direction to achieve it.
Maria Deogratuis. 42 year old farmer from Tanzania, married with seven children.

Les hele Marias historie her

I'm incredibly grateful for the positive impact this program has had on my family. It brought us back together after a very difficult period, particularly in my marriage. My husband used to take all the earnings from our farm harvests and leave without contributing to the household. This made caring for our children extremely challenging. When I confronted him, he would become angry and sometimes violent.
A turning point came when we both attended the educational programs. I could sense it resonated with my husband; we talked about it as soon as we got home. I told him we couldn't continue living this way, filled with pain and hopelessness.
The program was instrumental in helping us. We both wanted change but lacked the direction to achieve it. We attended more classes and received visits from a community activist. This support instilled confidence in us to work together. My husband started consulting me on various matters, and I offered him guidance and assistance whenever needed. Soon after, we began visiting sugarcane farms, seeking new opportunities. Previously, we had only grown cotton with limited success. Deciding to cultivate both crops proved to be a financially sound decision; the sugarcane yielded significant profits.
The income from sugarcane cultivation helped us build our house. We diligently saved a portion of our earnings towards this goal.
Later, I sought additional ways to improve our family's life. Through the program, we learned about support groups. I joined forces with ten other women to form a financial support group. Each month, we contributed money that I used to purchase essential household items like cookware. The other women used the funds for bricks and cement to complete their houses.
Today, I can confidently say that my life is better. My children are growing up in a positive environment and have the opportunity to attend school. Additionally, child marriages are becoming less prevalent as families prioritize educating their daughters, not just their sons.

Quick facts

Although female genital mutilation is prohibited almost everywhere, still three million girls are mutilated every year. At least 230 million girls and women living today have undergone the procedure.
Worldwide, one in three women is subjected to physical and/or sexual violence over the course of their lives.
Globally, almost 40 percent of all femicides are committed by the woman’s male partner.

Would you like to know more?

Contact FOKUS’ advisors on violence against women and girls:
Borghild Berge
Senior programme advisor, violence against women and girls, sexual and reproductive health and rights, harmful practices in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi and Somaliland
Joar Svanemyr
Senior programme advisor, sexual and reproductive health and rights in Uganda, Ethiopia, Guatemala and Colombia, and harmful practices in Kenya
Forum for Kvinner og Utviklingsspørsmål jobber 
for å styrke kvinners rettigheter og muligheter 
gjennom utviklingssamarbeid i åtte land i Afrika 
og Latin-Amerika. Som et medlemsbasert 
kompetanse- og ressurssenter skal FOKUS være 
en pådriver for internasjonal innsats for likestilling.
971 27 9389
Utviklet av: Drift reklame & design AS
FOKUS – Forum for Kvinner og Utviklingsspørsmål – jobber for å styrke kvinners rettigheter og muligheter gjennom arbeid i syv land i Afrika og Latin-Amerika. FOKUS er den eneste norske organisasjonen som utelukkende arbeider med kvinners rettigheter og likestilling internasjonalt.
Utviklet av: Drift reklame & design AS